by Mark Shuttleworth on 20 August 2010
Here’s a way to show off your movie-making creative skills AND promote whatever you think the coolest things in 10.10 are: make a Maverick Movie!
Get your photos on millions of computers!
by Canonical on 16 August 2010
It’s that time again! We’ve been accepting submissions on the Ubuntu Artwork Flickr group for a while now but with the deadline fast approaching for Beta we...
Gestures with multitouch in Ubuntu 10.10
by Mark Shuttleworth on 16 August 2010
Gestures are a powerful interaction language that will be as relevant for desktops as it is on phones and tablets. Ubuntu 10.10 has a gesture framework that...
Gone for a walk?!
by Canonical on 16 August 2010
My new friend has gone missing! Have you seen Rick?
This week in design – 13 August 2010
by Canonical on 13 August 2010
It’s Friday the 13th! Thankfully it’s past midday so safe to write this post. We’ve had a busy week although it’s been a bit quiet as people have been away on...
Finding the Ubuntu font design
by Canonical on 13 August 2010
In our second post from Dalton Maag we get an insight into the origin of our very own Ubuntu font.
My new friend
by Canonical on 13 August 2010
Very kindly donated to me by Ale on the design team here at Canonical. Maverick, Rick for short, sits proudly on my desk. He joins the lovely plush Lynx from...
How are your users feeling? Example from Rhythmbox
by Canonical on 11 August 2010
When conducting and writing up user research findings, I make a point of defining the experience goals alongside participant’s actual real life goals. This...
The first milestone
by Canonical on 10 August 2010
As work on the font continues we thought it would be good to get some insight from the people working on developing it. In the first of these posts, Bruno...
Why would you give your music away for free?
by Canonical on 9 August 2010
Photo (cc) Matt McGeeYou’re an up and coming band. You’re gonna get signed soon. You’ll get played on the radio. You’ll tour the world. You’re gonna teach...
60 and still going strong!
by Canonical on 9 August 2010
We hit another important milestone today! Find out what pesky papercuts have been resolved!
An Update to the Ubuntu Light Themes
by Canonical on 9 August 2010
One of our key objectives when we started conceptualising the new themes was their ability to be immediately recognisable as Ubuntu, even if represented as a...