So long already? Nah! :)
by Canonical on 10 May 2010
Today saw the start of the Ubuntu Developer Summit for our next release Maverick Meerkat. This sentiment on the final slide of Mark’s presentation will...
Hello, Unity
by Canonical on 10 May 2010
This is an early version of Unity, what will hopefully become the new interface for Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10:Unity comprises:A launcher that makes opening...
A unified menu bar for Ubuntu Netbook Edition
by Matthew Paul Thomas on 6 May 2010
Using a single menu bar at the top of the screen, instead of separate menu bars inside each window, seems like a pretty simple change. But it’s more complex...
Window indicators
by Mark Shuttleworth on 3 May 2010
“Windicators” are window indicators, on the right of the title bar, which follow the same pattern as the Ayatana indicators that Ubuntu uses on in the panel.
Reasons to celebrate 29th April 2010
by Canonical on 29 April 2010
One of the first things I did when I joined Canonical just over a year ago was conduct some user research. The idea was to identify some broad areas that...
Ubuntu visual identity
by Canonical on 28 April 2010
Drum roll please….After a *lot* of amazing effort from the Canonical design team I am pleased to announce that preliminary Ubuntu visual identity is online...
When it comes to social networking what are you? Door, Mirror, Room?
by Canonical on 27 April 2010
Everyone belongs to one, two or more social networking sites. At Canonical, we wondered “What does social networking mean to people?” I set off to find out. ...
A global menu for Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition
by Mark Shuttleworth on 27 April 2010
The Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition will use a single consolidated menu, displayed in the panel, rather than individual menus in each application window.
Refining the battery status menu
by Matthew Paul Thomas on 23 April 2010
As part of the notification area transition, we’re adapting the Gnome Power Manager item to be a system status menu. We’re interested in your feedback on the...
Magical Mystery Cafe
by Canonical on 23 April 2010
There will be those of you reading this who will say “only in Japan” and ordinarily I would shy away from that sort of thing but in this case I think you’re...
New strategic plan!
by Canonical on 23 April 2010
Came across this on the delightful Swissmiss. We are always in the process of reviewing our development processes a both design and technical to keep them...
Curious displays
by Canonical on 23 April 2010
Video on Vimeo by Julia Yu Tsao showing an interesting, and very futuristic, concept to display information in a physical environment.