Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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When users first encounter Ubuntu: six showstoppers

by Canonical on 11 June 2010

We recently conducted usability testing to see how users respond to Ubuntu on their first encounter. Overall, first impressions are good.  Typical remarks...


Quickly Run with a Ctrl+R Keyboard Shortcut in Gedit

by Canonical on 11 June 2010

I’m all about workflow, so the first thing I wanted to do when trying quickly was to make sure I could hit a keyboard shortcut to build and run from within my...


Announcing the User Experience Advocates Project

by Canonical on 10 June 2010

After working on paper cuts for a year, I realized how disorganized many open source projects affecting Ubuntu are when it comes to improving user experience....


Well worth ten minutes of your time…

by Canonical on 8 June 2010

An illustration supporting a talk by Dan Pink about the hidden truths behind what really motivates us.


Last week in London and Brussels

by Canonical on 31 May 2010

I spent the first part of last week in a small room in London with Andrea Cimitan, Daniel Foré and Otto Greenslade working on the amazing Murrine theme engine...


The keyboard menu

by Matthew Paul Thomas on 27 May 2010

A new keyboard menu will replace both the keyboard layout toggle from Ubuntu’s doomed notification area, and the IBus menu for choosing a keyboard input method.


New Ubuntu and Canonical sites

by Alejandra Obregon on 26 May 2010

The new Ubuntu and Canonical sites went live today. As well as the visual refresh to include the new brand, the objective was to bring the sites up-to-date...


The challenge of understanding icons

by Canonical on 26 May 2010

Icons are very peculiar images. They are both pictorial and functional. An icon is literally a picture, e.g., of a magnifying glass, and at the same time it...


Colour management

by Canonical on 22 May 2010

I’ve been looking for a local store which offers a colour sprectromitor and chanced upon the spyder3. I have to say that it is a total let-down. It doesn’t...


Talk Type

by Marcus Haslam on 20 May 2010

At the recent Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS), we invited Type Designer Bruno Maag from Dalton Maag to talk about the new open-source font design development...


Ubuntu Maverick UDS group photo made with the Hugin Panorama Creator

by Canonical on 17 May 2010

Due to the weather and the layout of the hotel grounds at the Ubuntu Developer Summit for 10.10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) it was impossible to take the group...


Opinions. Have them.

by Canonical on 12 May 2010

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.